Vaccinations: Information to Make an Informed Decision

Here is some information to inform yourself about childhood vaccines.

For a more comprehensive list of ingredients visit here.

Below are definitions of the ingredients used.


Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed
Produced using formaldehyde, thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80, gelatin (animal parts/bovine)

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate:
Produced using ammonium sulfate, formalin, sucrose, thimerosal
medium: semi-synthetic

Measles Virus Vaccine Live:
Produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin
medium: chick embryo

Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed:
Produced using aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, ammonium sulfate, washed sheep red blood cells, glycerol, sodium chloride, thimerosal
medium: porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein

Hepatitis B:
Produced using aluminum hydroxide, thimerosal
medium: yeast (possibly 5% residual)

Rubella and Mumps Virus Vaccine Live:
Produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib):
Produced using polyribosylribitol, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal
medium: chemically defined, yeast based

Influenza Virus Vaccine:
Produced using embryonic fluid (chicken egg), neomycin, polymyxin, thimerosal, betapropiolactone
medium: embryonic fluid (chicken egg)

Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A&B:
Produced using gentamicin sulfate, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, tri(n)butylphosphate, thimerosal
medium: chick embryos

Inactivated Polio Vaccine:
Produced using 3 types of polio virus, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B
medium: VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells

Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine:
Produced using thimerosal, lactose
medium: freeze dried polysaccharride antigens from Neisseria Meningitidis

Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Tetravalent:
Produced using 1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant viruses, sucrose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, fetal bovine serum, neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B
medium: fetal rhesus diploid cell line

Varicella Virus Vaccine Live (Chicken Pox):
Produced using sucrose, phosphate, glutamate, processed gelatin
medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Chemical Definitions:
EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) & MME (Mosby's Medical Encyclopedia)

Ammonium Sulfate: EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant

Amphotericin B: MME definintion - "a drug used to treat fungus infections. Known allergy to this drug prohibits use. Side effects include blood clots, blood defects, kidney problems, nausea and fever. When used on the skin, allergic reactions can occur."

Aluminum: EDF Suspected - cardiovascular, or blood toxicant, neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 6 ranking systems.
On at least 2 federal regulatory lists.

Beta-Propiolactone: EDF Recognized - carcinogen
EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant; respiratory toxicant; skin or sense organ toxicant.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 3 ranking systems.
On at least 5 federal regulatory lists ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to humans.

Formaldehyde: EDF Recognized - carcinogen
Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant; immunotoxicant, neurotoxicant, reproductive toxicant; respiratory toxicant; skin or sense organ toxicant.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems.
On at least 8 federal regulatory lists ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health.

Gentamicin Sulfate: an antibiotic

Hydrolyzed Gelatin: obtained from selected pieces of calf and cattle skins, de-mineralized cattle bones (ossein) and porkskin.

Neomycin: an antibiotic

Phenol : EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant aka Carbolic Acid - developmental toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant kidney toxicant, neurotoxicant respiratory toxicant, skin or sense organ toxicant.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 10 ranking systems.
On at least 8 federal regulatory lists.

Phenoxyethanol: EDF Suspected - developmental toxicant, reproductive toxicant (aka: Antifreeze).
Less hazardous than most chemicals in 3 ranking systems.

Polyribosylribitol: a component of the Hib bacterium

Polymyxin: an antibiotic

Polysorbate: EDF Suspected - skin or sense organ toxicant

Sorbitol: EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant.
Less hazardous than most chemicals in 1 ranking system.

Streptomycin: an antibiotic

Sucrose: refined sugar

Thimerosal: EDF Recognized - developmental toxicant. Suspected - skin or sense organ toxicant.

Tri(n)butylphosphate: EDF Suspected - kidney toxicant neurotoxicant.
More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 3 ranking systems.
On at least 1 federal regulatory list.