Thanks Mama is an online retailer of all things baby. Thanks Mama specializes in cloth diapers and cloth diapering accessories. With such great brands as Flip, Bum Genius, Smartipants, Babykicks, Happy Heinys, Kissaluvs, Fuzzibunz and more you are sure to find something that you'll love.
Thanks Mama also sells toys from Kushies, Lamaze, Melissa and Doug and Plan Toys! Plan Toys are a favorite in our house. I can attest to the great quality and care that goes into these toys. Plus they are completely truly non-toxic and safe. Slings and structured carriers are also sold at Thanks Mama. This Scootababy Carrier really intrigues me. It looks as if a ring sling and an Ergo had a love child. I'd love to try that out; sounds like a good combo!
Thanks Mama also sells toys from Kushies, Lamaze, Melissa and Doug and Plan Toys! Plan Toys are a favorite in our house. I can attest to the great quality and care that goes into these toys. Plus they are completely truly non-toxic and safe. Slings and structured carriers are also sold at Thanks Mama. This Scootababy Carrier really intrigues me. It looks as if a ring sling and an Ergo had a love child. I'd love to try that out; sounds like a good combo!

Who doesn't love a man wearing a baby!!! Maya Wraps are great for both mom and dad.
There is even a great page with lots of helpful information about cloth diapers. It outlines the different types of diapers and some basic care information.
Thanks Mama has offered up a $25 gift certificate for A Blogtastic Extravaganza prize package!
I'd like to thank Thanks Mama for being a sponsor for A Blogtastic Extravaganza!
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»I have been wanting an ERGO and I love Melissa and Doug toys.
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My favorite item is the Rumparooz One Size Diaper
tomokofive at gmail dot com
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Tomoko d
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Favorite item: Thirsties Duo Wrap Diaper Cover with SNAPS
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Thanks Mama FB fan: Bekki Orr
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My favorite: Bummis Easy Fit diapers
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
My favorite item is the Thirsties Duo diaper
heatheraguilar458 at gmail dot com
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Heather Aguilar
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Heather Aguilar
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fav item is Easy Fit!
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Caroline Guf
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Favorite product: fuzzibunz OS
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu
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Facebook Liker (Betsy Hoff)
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my fav product is theBumGenius OS artist series diaper
philadybug AT hotmail DOT com
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fave item: TogetherBe Free Hand Baby Carrier
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My favorite item is the BabyKicks Organic Fitted Diaper. I've been dying to try one of those.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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I like the Organic Babylegs from Thanks Mama!
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my fave item is the fuzzibunz perfect size cloth diaper
tannis_z at excite dot com
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I would love to try a kissaluvs fitted diaper
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
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lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com
I love the Ergo they carry!
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I'd LOVE to have a Sustainablebabyish Knit Wool Cover or a Sugar Peas Single Layer Organic Knit Wool Cover!
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Rebecca Smith
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Chelsei Ryan
Love the Ergo!
what_mama_wants @ yahoo . com
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Robyn lucas
what_mama_wants @ yahoo . com
My favorite item is the Plan Toys Terrace Dollhouse.
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
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Kristen H-R
krishackney at suddenlink dot net
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Kristen H-r
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I'd like to try these!
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
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My favorite item is the Moby Wrap!
I follow Thanks Mama on FB-erin brady
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My favorite item is the Ergo Baby carrier ngiraldi @ gmail . com
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I visited Thanks Mama and my favorite item is Scootababy Baby Carrier
I liked Thanks Mama on facebook (Carrie Smart)
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I love the Flip diapers.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I love their Happy Heinys Package-those are one of my fave dipes!
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My favorite item at Thanks Mama is BumGenius Artist Series!
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I like the bumGenius packages.
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I like the OS HH w/aplix.
tvpg at aol dot com
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I really like the Sophie Giraffe Pie Toy.
I follow you on twitter as nicolthepickle.
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i like the Easy To Use Newborn Cloth Diapers Package
fb fan jeanine feldkamp
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your twitter follower neenee_is_me
your fb fan jeanine feldkamp
I love the Ergo carriers but I also want to get a Kushies Swim Diaper in Mermaids on Lavender background
I like Thanks Mama on Facebook (Amber Lar…)
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I'm following you on Twitter @buttonlove
Visited thanks mama I like the drybees hybrid aio
Another blog introduced me to Melissa and Doug toys. Love them.
Also, how great are pictures of dad's wearing babies? LOVE!
already a fan of thanks mama on facebook
Jenny Pecor
audriannasmamaw at aol dot com
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jenny pecor
audriannasmamaw at aol dot com
I love the Melissa & Doug Pretty Purse Fill and Spill and any color Ergo!
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love the alligator from plan toys
asdrexler at gmail dot com
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asdrexler at gmail dot com
I'd love the ERGO!
I follow you on twitter. @m_wohlk
I like the Kushies fitted crib sheet flannel
librarypat AT comcast DOT net
I follow you o twitter as pbbearclaw.
librarypat AT comcast DOT net
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librarypat AT comcast DOT net
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librarypat AT comcast DOT net
I follow your blog.
Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com
My favorite thing that Thanks mama carries is OS Fuzzibunz!
Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com
Favorite item is the Ergo carrier! nicolebang@gmail.com
Following Thanks Mama on Twitter as skipbang.
love the kushies zolo mobile
thanks mama twitter follower @aahaft
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knocked up and nursing twitter follower
Thanks Mama carries Ergos and I love mine! They also carry baby legs!
darcyzalewski at gmail dot com
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I really like the Kushies Ultra Lite All in One Diapers
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